Pierre Pétel Marries in New France.
Pierre was the founder of our line of Petelle's in the New World. He was also the last of our French ancestors to emigrate; most of the others had made the trek in the 1600's.
Marriage in Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures.
The first record of Pierre in Canada was of his marriage in 1746. At 26 he wed Barbe Vermet, the 31 year old daughter of Jacques Vermet and Jeanne-Angélique Dupil in Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures. Barbe was a second generation Canadienne, as both her parents were born in the French colony.
Because he came from a parish in another country Pierre produced a certificate signed by Monsieur Boucault on the 14th of March attesting to the fact that he had not been married previously.
Betrothed couples negotiated a contract outlining the disposition of any property. This was signed before a notary before the religious ceremony. But Pierre and Barbe wished to marry as soon as possible, signing a preliminary contract on the 22nd of April just four days in advance of their wedding.
It is unusual to see so many signatures, particularly those of women. Most habitants could not write and left only their mark on the page. Both Pierre and Barbe signed their own names on the marriage record, along with her father Jacques Vermet and two of her sisters.
The contract was finalized two months later before Notaire Claude Barolet on June 13th setting the dower amount and property terms. Pierre was represented by Joseph Tessier, a master carpenter, and by Jean Ignace Tinon, dit Desroches.
The need for their haste becomes apparent soon after, as they welcomed their first child, Michel, born on 11 November 1746 in Ville de Québec.