map of france


The majority of our French ancestors made the journey to Québec in the mid to late 1600's. Pierre Petel was the last out, departing Normandie prior to 1746.

They came from all over France. The date reflects the year of emigration if known. Otherwise, it is the date the individual first appears in a record in New France.

Hover over this map of the ancient regions for a list of individuals from each area. Click the région to navigate to that page.

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To French régions →

Bretagne Normandy Maine Anjou Poitou LaRochelle Ile de Re Saintoge Angoumois Perigord Limousin Guyenne La Marche Touraine Bourgogne Champagne Lorraine Île de France Artois Picardie Perche London Unknown Origin Citation Cartouche loiret

Marguerite Manchon 1663
Ancestors of
Narcisse Petelle
Edesse Mondou
Adapted from
Atlas Portatilis, France, 1724
by Johann Christoph Wiegel
Personal collection of author
d'Origine Inconnue.
Sébastien Provencher 1661
Jean Dania 1665
Marie Angelier 1669
Marguerite Raisin 1670
Anne Leper 1673
André Robert 1694
Catherine Lalore 1671
Jacques Beauvais 1652
Jacques Surprenant 1665
Anne-Antoinette de Liercourt 1651
François Séguin 1665
Rémy Dupil 1666
Noël Bulteau 1727
Marie-Marguerite Debuire 1727.
Antoine Vermet 1665
Île de France
Marguerite Breton 1651
Denise Lemâitre 1659
Mathieu Gervais 1665
Perrine LaPierre 1666
Pierre Poupart 1666
Jeanne Denot 1667
Catherine Ducharme 1672
Jean Bernard 1664
Marie Richard 1669
Jeanne Servignan 1665
Georgette Richer 1670
Marguerite Girard 1674
Honoré Danis 1653
La Marche.
Léonard LeBlanc 1650
Bernard Deniger 1665
François Dupuis 1670
Louis Badaillac 1665
Marie Denot 1648
Clément Lériger 1685
Marie Gendre 1652
Jean Boutin 1656
Marie Faucon 1663
Marie Pacaud 1665
Simon Chapacou 1665
François Pinsonneau 1665
Île de Ré.
Esther Coindriau 1664
Renée de la Porte 1664
Étiene Vien 1648
Marie Vien 1648
La Rochelle.
Jean Lanctôt 1649
Nicolas Hubert 1649
Jean-Baptiste Bourgery 1652
Jacques Hubert 1654
Catherine Forestier 1657
Vivien Rochereau 1657
Pierre Perras 1660
Suzanne Rocheteau 1661
Louis Robert 1665
Marguerite Vaillant 1668
Marie-Barbe Ménard 1669
Jeanne Petit 1672
Marie Riton 1650
Marguerite Landreau 1654
Jacques Ménard 1657
Antoine Daunay 1662
Pierre Roy 1666
René Beaudin 1673
François Bourassa 1683
François Laurent 1717
Jeanne Soldé 1653
Guillaume Chartier 1653
Aubin Maudou 1667
Michel Duveau 1674
Anne Lagou 1670
Pierre Petel 1746
Nicolas Patenaude 1651
Pierre Vallée 1657
François Leber 1658
Jeanne Testard 1662
Marie DeBure 1665
Jacques Têtu 1665
André Lamarre 1665
Jaques Saint-Yves 1668
Nicolas Varin 1697
Hugues Picard 1653
Jean Ronceray 1665
Pierre Forcier 1669